On September 25, 2016, Russian aircraft bombed the city with cluster bombs. When the first blow occurred, I took the camera and ran to the place. But there was such a tactic of the bombers: to drop a bomb, and when people run to the place of impact to help the wounded, the plane returns and strikes again.
Therefore, at a certain point, people began to be afraid to help. So I got wounded in the stomach after the second blow when the plane returned. Unfortunately, no one helped me, and I went to the hospital myself. When I was walking, I saw several adult men who could not move because of their injuries. When I came to the hospital, there were a lot of wounded people there, and those with the most severe injuries were taken to the hospital. I saw a girl about seven years old who was wounded in the chest area, and I saw how the doctor took her into the operating room, and then I don't remember anything, because I lost consciousness. I woke up already in the ward.